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I am running for the ODTUG Board of Directors

After some thought, I decided I will be running for the ODTUG Board of Directors this year. I have been attending Kscope since 2008 (New Orleans). Presented at Kscope and APEXPosed since 2009. Did a few webinars. Was a member of the APEX Content Team for Kscope12 and 13. And now I am the Content Lead for the APEX track for KScope14 and Kscope15. So I like spending my free time for ODTUG, to keep Kscope the best conference out there. But ODTUG is more than Kscope. And I would love to add my time, expertise and network to ODTUG in order to do more.
So that's why I am running for the Board.

But it seems I am not the only one running.... As for four positions, there are 24 nominations. Twenty-four! That means the changes are slim, but it shows how vivid ODTUG is. Most organisations that run on volunteers have a hard time filling these kind of positions. ODTUG doesn't. I don't have a full list of names, but I now know about six of them. And they are all well known persons and excellent for the job.
So that's good for ODTUG. Good for the community. And good for you.

My campaign will be focused around internationalisation. The current Board members are all based in North America. So it is natural ODTUG's focus is in that area. But luckily there already are some initiatives to "go global" - but that's not so easy. So I would like to add the views of other regions to the board, whether it's Asia, Australia, South America or Europe. In my opinion ODTUG should go more global, in close collaboration with the local user groups. (Co-)Organising events, webinars and web pages in other languages, etc. Doing so ODTUG should be able to get more members in those areas as well.
That's good for ODTUG, That's good for the community. And good for you as well.

My second focus will be around my favourite Oracle tool of course: Oracle Application Express. So I am in favour of special events that focus in APEX - like the APEXposed we had earlier. And probably we can make this global - that would be awesome. The APEX community within ODTUG already has a strong presence. Therefor we should benefit from this presence and grow even more.
That's good for ODTUG. Good for the community. And thus good for you.

You can cast your vote between October 7 and October 28. And you have to be a paid  member to vote. But that's only $99 a year. And for that small amount of money, you are not only allowed to vote, you have also access to tons of material: articles, recorded webinars and presentations. And you get either a discount or free access to ODTUG events. So in the end ... becoming a member is a no-brainer. Thus if you haven't signed up for it: do it now.
Good for ODTUG. Good for the community. And definitely good for you!

Oh, and then don't forget to vote in October. On me .... 


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