One of my current customers would like to use their LDAP (Microsoft Active Directory) server for authentication and authorization of APEX applications. Of course we tried to set up a standard LDAP Authenication that's available within APEX. But we couldn't get that to work. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the client stored their Users within Groups within Groups within .... . Or maybe it doesn't do a full tree walk in the directory. Or maybe it is just because it is Microsoft - and not Oracle Internet Directory (OID). So we moved to a custom Authentication using the DBMS_LDAP functions (and some examples from the Pro Oracle Application Express book and Tim Hall - a.k.a. Oracle Base).
One of the issues we encountered that we wanted to use the user's login name, like "jdoe" and not his full name ("John Doe"). And the login name is stored in the "sAMAccountName" attribute. But authenticating using just "jdoe" didn't work. I don't whether it is particular for this set up, but we had to prefix the username with the domain, like "USERS\jdoe". See the code snippet below:
-- Authenicate the user -- raises an exception on failure
retval := dbms_ldap.simple_bind_s
( ld => l_session
, dn => l_dn_prefix || p_username
, passwd => p_password );
Once authenticated we needed to check whether the user was a member of a particular group. Authorization was done by defining a group in AD containing the string APEX_<APP_ID>, so for instance "Users for APEX_101". So we had to read the AD tree and scan it for the "memberOf" attribute. This attribute contains a string with the complete group information. Therefore we used the dbms_ldap_search_s function defining a specific filter using the "sAMAccountName" attribute.
-- Get all "memberOf" attributes
l_attrs(1) := 'memberOf';
-- Searching for the user info using his windows loginname
retval := dbms_ldap.search_s
( ld => l_session
, base => ldap_base
, scope => dbms_ldap.scope_subtree
, filter => '(&(objectClass=*)(sAMAccountName='|| p_username || '))'
, attrs => l_attrs
, attronly => 0
, res => l_message );
Then we could scan the results on the existence of the "APEX_101" string.
One additional request was to show the user why his login failed - if it did. By default APEX just returns "Invalid login credentials", but in the case where he is just not authorized (because he is not in the correct "application group"), another message should appear. And there the APEX builtin function apex_util.set_custom_auth_status came to the rescue! Although it has been there for ages - at least since version 3.1 - I had never used it and wasn't aware of it's existence. With this function you can override the standard message on the login screen. So pretty useful stuff.
The next step will be to implement a more fine grained authorization (for read / write) using the same technique. This will be implemented using a (real) Authorization scheme, based on the same code.
The next step will be to implement a more fine grained authorization (for read / write) using the same technique. This will be implemented using a (real) Authorization scheme, based on the same code.
So for the interested - and for my own documentation ;-) - the full code is below:
create or replace
function ldap_auth( p_username in varchar2
, p_password in varchar2 )
return boolean
l_session dbms_ldap.session;
l_attrs dbms_ldap.string_collection;
l_message dbms_ldap.message;
l_entry dbms_ldap.message;
l_attr_name varchar2(256 );
l_vals dbms_ldap.string_collection;
l_ber_element dbms_ldap.ber_element;
ldap_host varchar2(256) := '<your LDAP server>';
ldap_port varchar2(256) := '389'; -- default port
ldap_base varchar2(256) := 'OU=<base OU>,DC=<dc1>,DC=<dc2>,DC=<dc3>';
l_dn_prefix varchar2(100) := '<prefix>\'; -- domain, like 'USERS\'
l_not_authenticated varchar2(100) := 'Incorrect username and/or password';
l_not_authorized varchar2(100) := 'Not authorized for this application';
l_authed boolean;
l_memberof dbms_ldap.string_collection;
-- Raise exceptions on failure
dbms_ldap.use_exception := true;
-- Connect to the LDAP server
l_session := dbms_ldap.init( hostname =>ldap_host
, portnum => ldap_port );
-- Authenicate the user -- raises an exception on failure
retval := dbms_ldap.SIMPLE_BIND_S( ld => l_session
, dn => l_dn_prefix || p_username
, passwd => p_password );
-- Once you are here you are authenticated
-- Get all "memberOf" attributes
l_attrs(1) := 'memberOf';
-- Searching for the user info using his samaccount (windows login )
retval := dbms_ldap.search_s( ld => l_session
, base => ldap_base
, scope => dbms_ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
, filter => '(&(objectClass=*)(sAMAccountName=' || p_username || '))'
, attrs => l_attrs
, attronly => 0
, res => l_message );
-- There is only one entry but still have to access that
l_entry := dbms_ldap.first_entry( ld => l_session
, msg => l_message );
-- Get the first Attribute for the entry
l_attr_name := dbms_ldap.first_attribute( ld => l_session
, ldapentry => l_entry
, ber_elem => l_ber_element );
-- Loop through all "memberOf" attributes
while l_attr_name is not null loop
-- Get the values of the attribute
l_vals := dbms_ldap.get_values( ld => l_session
, ldapentry => l_entry
, attr => l_attr_name );
-- Check the contents of the value
for i in l_vals.first..l_vals.last loop
-- A user gets access to APP 101 when he is assigned to a group where the name contains "APEX_101"
l_authed := instr(upper(l_vals(i)), 'APEX_'||v('APP_ID')) > 0 ;
exit when l_authed;
end loop;
exit when l_authed;
l_attr_name := dbms_ldap.next_attribute( ld => l_session
, ldapentry => l_entry
, ber_elem => l_ber_element );
end loop;
retval := dbms_ldap.unbind_s( ld => l_session );
if not l_authed
then -- Although username / password was correct, user isn't authorized for this application
apex_util.set_custom_auth_status ( p_status => l_not_authorized );
end if;
-- Return Authenticated
return l_authed;
when others then
retval := dbms_ldap.unbind_s( ld => l_session );
-- Return NOT Authenticated
apex_util.set_custom_auth_status ( p_status => l_not_authenticated );
return false;