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Showing posts from April, 2011

ORCAN event

Yesterday I attended an event organised by the Swedish Oracle User Group (ORCAN). They picked a real nice venue for this meeting: the top floor (54) of the Turning Torso. From this top floor you have a stunning view over the Oresund (all the way to Copenhagen) and Malmƶ and it's surroundings. Might be a little bit distracting from the presentations, but nevertheless... There were two concurrent presentations. The first one I attended was by Moren Egan about Edition Based Redefinitions . As I presented about the same subject at OOW and UKOUG, I was just curious about how he would present this material. More SQL*Plus oriented as I did it, but I think the message came across just fine. The second one was by Randolf Geist, called " Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting ". In fact it was just the first half (the second half was after lunch). Although I could grasp most of he said, some details were a little bit over my head. So I skipped the second part and went to SQL Developer Ne...

Travelling is not always fun!

At Orlando airport my original flight via Detroit was delayed by three hours, due to "technical issues". So they rebooked me via Minneapolis. But that one was delayed too, due to "weather circumstances". But as that would affect all planes, the advice was to keep that route. And indeed the initial delay of 1,5 hours (I had a layover of 1,5 hours...), was reduced to 45 minutes when departing. But when the plane rolled back from the gate, the right engine didn't started. They had to replace the fuel filter. So it went back at the gate, they did the replacement and a half hour or so later we where again ready to depart. So rolled back again, but at that moment all electricity went down, because the third engine (used for electricity when the other engines aren't running) went down. Do they had to reboot the plane or something like that (did you know the in flight entertainment system runs on Linux?). So, again 30 minutes later we departed. At that time I had a ...

Collaborate 2011 - Day 5 and Wrap Up

The last (half day) of the conference. Makes me wonder why most (if not all) of the conferences add an additional half day after throwing "the" big party. Why not make it a full day and throw the party at that night - or just end with the Wednesday night party. That will keep everyone at the show. Because these last half days are usually not very well attended anymore, which is not very kind to the speakers. Anyway, the first session of today was Obscure Tools of the Trade for Tuning SQL . The speaker - after handing out, or throwing, candies, discussed tools that are freely available to get insight in how your SQL runs. The first was not that obscure: DBMS_XPLAN. This package can show all kinds of details on your SQL and can even show AWR reports. And if you use it with the gather_plan_statistics hint, you can also show the expected rows vs the actual rows (so your statistics may be wrong). The next one wasTrace Analyzer, a.k.a. TRCA, available via Metalin. It is like TKPROF...

Collaborate 2011 - Day 4

The fourth day already...starting of with APEX, Tales from the Trenches by Paul Dorsey. Paul presented the results from a number of interviews (via email) he did with APEX users. He picked the people that presented on APEX somewhere (like me) and asked everyone things like, what do you like about the tool, what not, what's easy, what's not etcetera. And he presented the results of all this with his own opinions on top of it. One remarkeble quote of Paul (so don't shoot me, I am just the messenger): " APEX has succeeded, ADF has failed ". This based on the "facts" (as Paul sees it) that most ADF projects fail and almost all APEX projects are succesful. Apart from that: The APEX community is growing, while the ADF community stays on the same level - but that probably will change when Fusion Apps will take off. The bottom line of his talk was: there is something way better than all of this and that's my product "Formspider". But alas for Paul...

Collaborate 2011 - Day 3

Day 3 started out with a 8 AM (!) presentation on Mobile Application Development . Didn't cover any APEX specific details, more about the general things to consider when developing these kinds of apps. Like how to handle multiple platforms, like IOS and Android - and over 10 others. Native apps are preferred above browser apps (and any APEX app will be a browser app). The solution for handling all these different platforms is to use a framework (like jQuery Mobile). For data integration, you should use webservices in order to keep the bandwith usage as small as possible. The next session had the (lomg) title Enhancing your Data Warehouse Data Completeness using APEX . The presenter showed a (very simple) application to authorize and monitor Excel uploads and changes made to the master data of a data warehouse. Nothing very new... Then David Peake presented on APEX integrating with E-Business Suite . Since v12, EBS doesn't support mod-plsql extensions anymore. But, luckily, th...

Collaborate 2011 - Day 2

The second day of Collaborate started with a opening general session by Dan Thurmon. Dan is a so called "motivational speaker". And he sure knows is job. In a very American style he promoted his dogma:" Off Balance, On Purpose ", demonstrated with juggling (even with axes on a one-wheeler). A very funny start of this day! The first "real" session I attended was SQL Techniques by Tom Kyte. It was all about Clustering, setting up Index Organized Tables (IOT's) and Partitioning. The goal of all these techniques is to reduce IO. A nice metaphore he used was: You can put your clothes in a closet by just dumping them on the first free spot you see. So inserts are fast, but then retrieval trakes a full scan of your closet. By clustering pants, sweaters and socks together, inserts may be slower, but retrieval is way faster! But not only picking the right storage approach is important, also the retrieval - like using bulk/array fetching - are both important t...

Collaborate 2011 - Day 1

Travelling to Orlando went smooth. Very smooth even. The first leg to Boston arrived about a half hour early and as I was sitting right in front of the Economy class, I could leave the plane as one of the first. So I arrived at the border securty as the third non-US citizen. So checkin in the US costed about two minutes. I even arrived at the luggage belt before it actually started running - usually my bag is already off the belt when I arrive there. After an almost two hour layover, in the second plane I managed to get two seats at the exit row. So I could move wherever I liked. And at Orlando airport a taxi was immediately available so I arrived at the hotel around 6:30 AM. After some real American food (burger, beer & fries) I hit the sack around 10.  The next morning I managed to stay more or less asleep until 7. From 9 to 12 I sat at the pool until it was getting too hot and went to the registration of Collaborate.The conference is in the Orlando Conference Centre. I thou...

My Schedule for Collaborate 2011

When there is no eruption of an Icelandic vulcano with an unspeakable name, I will be flying out to Collaborate 2011 in Orlando next Saturday. I am really looking forward to this, as it is (still) my first Collab event! Using the Schedule Builder I also created a (preliminary) schedule for next week. There are a lot of good sessions to choose from. I first picked all (or almost all) APEX sessions, and then added the other promising sessions. A lot of SQL and PL/SQL and some Fusion stuff. My own session is schedule at Wednesday afternoon, just before the big party at Universal! I will (try to) write a daily blog post covering the details of the sessions - especially for all those who can't make it to Florida...

This years best gift: The Expert Oracle Application Express book

Last year, during ODTUG's Kaleidoscope in Washington, John Scott asked me if I was interested in co-authoring a book on APEX. And it wouldn't be just another APEX book, but a book written by the top presenters/bloggers on APEX. So I was deeply honoured... But the best thing, all revenues will go to the memorial funds of two great guys of the APEX Development Team: Carl Backstrom and Scott Spadafore. (For the complete story, see John's blog ). So I immedtiately said: Yes, sure! And now the book is almost there - should be released somewhere in May. So if you're slightly interested in APEX or an APEX geek: This is THE book to order ( click here ). All authors wrote one chapter on an area that they are expert on, and the goal was to write stuff that has never been written before. So the book contains not a lot easy stuff, but more the complex / think-out-of-the-box kind of stuff (with lots of code of course!). So there are chapters on: Security, Configuration Management...