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OOW2011 - Announcing SQL Developer 3.1 New Features

The new SQL Developer version 3.1, contains a lot of new functionality. For instance a lot of DBA functionality that was already available within Enterprise Manager is exposed in SQL Developer. The developers are using the exact same code, but with a SQL Developer skin on top of it.
Another very neat feature is the SQL Developer Cart. You can drag and drop any object in the cart and it will automagically create a sql script file and zip it. I see certainly a use for that, for instance to deploy an new version of an application : all files neatly packed together...
And of course, there is the Cloud Services. You can connect to your Oracle Database Cloud Service from within SQL Developer. Under the covers a RESTful web service is called and the results are processed. There is also functionality implemented to transfer data to and from the cloud, using DataPump. If you upload data into the cloud, the data pump file is automatically created, uploaded en processed. Very neat!

Location:Ellis St,San Francisco,United States


Anonymous saidā€¦
any release date?
Roel saidā€¦
As usual Oracle doesn't reveal any release date. Just something as "soon" somewhere this year..

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