During the period the Suggest-a-Session for Oracle Open World 2011 on Oracle Mix is open, you can't see the rank of the (or your!) proposal. Only by accessing every proposal and writing down the number of votes, it is possible to get an idea of the rank of a proposed session. This is quite a cumbersome exercise...so why not automate this? Heavily inspired by Wilfred van der Deijl, who wrote a Java program to do that, I created a similar functionality using just the Oracle Database. Who needs Java after all ;-)
The first set up requires setting the ACL right for using utl_http. Next I had to import the certificate Oracle is using for that site into the Oracle Wallet Manager and then create a function that retrieves all proposals and filters the title, presenter and the number of votes. This takes a while, so I dumped the results in a table.
Next I uploaded the results to my workspace on apex.oracle.com (couldn't run the procedure from that site as the ACL there prevents the use of utl_http) and created a Report and a Chart on top of it. So now you can see your rank (I will - try to - update the data every day).
The link to the page is : http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=41715:80
As you can see the session Marco and I proposed still needs some votes, so when you like this overview, please vote for our session as a "thank you": https://mix.oracle.com/events/oow11/proposals/10930-xfiles-the-apex-4-version-the-truth-is-in-there !
The first set up requires setting the ACL right for using utl_http. Next I had to import the certificate Oracle is using for that site into the Oracle Wallet Manager and then create a function that retrieves all proposals and filters the title, presenter and the number of votes. This takes a while, so I dumped the results in a table.
Next I uploaded the results to my workspace on apex.oracle.com (couldn't run the procedure from that site as the ACL there prevents the use of utl_http) and created a Report and a Chart on top of it. So now you can see your rank (I will - try to - update the data every day).
The link to the page is : http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=41715:80
As you can see the session Marco and I proposed still needs some votes, so when you like this overview, please vote for our session as a "thank you": https://mix.oracle.com/events/oow11/proposals/10930-xfiles-the-apex-4-version-the-truth-is-in-there !
Gave you guys a vote.
I hand made a list of presentations from Oracle Oaktable folks:
Oaktable sessions on Oracle Mix