If you created your own "updatable reports" or your custom version of tabular forms in Oracle Application Express, you'll end up with a query that looks similar to this one: then you disable the " Escape special characters " property and the result is an updatable multirecord form. That was easy, right? But now we need to process the changes in the Ename column when the form is submitted, but only if the checkbox is checked. All the columns are submitted as separated arrays, named apex_application.g_f0x - where the "x" is the value of the "p_idx" parameter you specified in the apex_item calls. So we have apex_application.g_f01, g_f02 and g_f03. But then you discover APEX has the oddity that the "checkbox" array only contains values for the checked rows. Thus if you just check "Jones", the length of g_f02 is 1 and it contains only the empno of Jones - while the other two arrays will contain all (14) rows. So for ...
Am I missing something as I don't seem to be able to change the code anywhere to allow it to bring in the feed from my twitter page? All I can see the posts from the APex Group?
Thanks in advance
You can create an additional region (named P4_TWITTER_SEARCH in the example) and reference that when you use the plug in in the field "Search for field". You can enter &P4_TWITTER_SEARCH. there - so it will search for the contents of P4_TWITTER_SEARCH - (or a fixed tekst if you like).
Thank You. I realised the search box info, just after I posted the message. I didn't want the search box to show to our users and realised that I could edit the plug-in code in the line:
apex_application_page_regions.attribute_03%type := nvl(p_region.attribute_03,'APEX Plugin');
and edit the "Apex Plugin" bit to reflect the default twitter account it uses.
Anyway, it's really good and thank you for your fast response.