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Showing posts from May, 2010

Final Agenda APEX OBUG SIG on June 17

The agenda for the first APEX OBUG SIG is finalized. From a number of abstracts Dimitri and I picked two to fill the open spaces. Patrick Hellemans (InterAccess) will do a presentation on the " Maturity level of Oracle APEX " and Olivier Dupont (iAdvise) will emphasize more smaller but nevertheless very powerfull new features in his presentation called " APEX 4.0: Feature 135, 184, 301, 315, 348 ā€¦ ". Also the location is defined : congrescentre 't Elzenveld Antwerp . You can see the complete agenda on the OBUG website . You can register there too (be quick, full = full). It is gonna be a long but interesting day with 6 hours of APEX presentations!

Some "small" APEX 4.0 EA3 features...

In the latest release of APEX 4.0 (available on tryapexnow ) I noticed two nice new features. First of all, on the far right side of the Home page of the builder, there is a little region called "Available Updates". If you click on the little "i" in the upper right of that region, you'll navigate to another page where you can control if you want to check for those updates. Wonder what will happen if I set it to "No"...will it be switched of for just my workspace or for the whole APEX instance? To me it seems it should be an "Administration" kind of functionality - so instance wide. In the "Help" it says: "This attribute controls if Application Express should check if updates are available for Oracle Application Express and the Oracle Application Express Listener. Note: To perform this check Application Express transmits the version number of Application Express and other system components to Oracle Corporation." This seem...

Two not-to-miss APEX events in June !

June will be a busy month. Not only the famous ODTUG's Kaleidoscope conference will be held that month, but also two events in Europe! The first one is on Tuesday, June 15 in Dublin. CampusIT organizes a free (!) one day APEX event, packed with good sessions from Dimitri Gielis from Sumneva, Hilary Farell and Barry McGillin from Oracle and Jan Navratil from CampusIT (and I'll do a session myself). You can register using this link . Later that week, on Thursday, June 17, the first official OBUG APEX SIG event is planned. The location will be conveniently located for all attendees from Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg, somewhere in or around Antwerp. Also this event is jam packed with sessions, all aimed at APEX 4.0. Patrick Wolf, Dimitri Gielis, Iloon Ellen and myself will do a session on one (or more) of the many APEX 4.0 new features. There are still two presentation slots open, so if you do have a good APEX 4.0 idea and want to present on this great event, send a ma...