Recently there were two threads on the APEX OTN Forum regarding the implementation of an Amazon-style star rating mechanism ( this thread and this thread ). Using this jQuery plug-in that implementation is not so difficult. The first step (of course you've installed jQuery) is to install the JavaScript and CSS of the plug-in. To create a demo I added two columns to the DEMO_PRODUCT_INFO table : RATING and VOTES. The second step is to create a PL/SQL function and use that in your select statement to show the current rating: create or replace function GET_STARS ( pID in NUMBER , pRating in NUMBER ) return VARCHAR2 is l_retval varchar2(2000) :=''; BEGIN FOR i in 1..5 LOOP IF i = pRating THEN l_retval := l_retval ||'<input class="star" id="'||pID||'" name="star'||pID||'" value="'||i||'" checked="checked" type="radio">'; ELSE l_retval := l_retval ||'<input class="sta...