In SQL Developer v1.2 the trigger tab for views is missing. You can add this tab (and many many others you can think of) by using User Defined Extensions.
Create an XML file with the definition of the tab:
Create an XML file with the definition of the tab:
Save this file and add it as an User Defined Extension of type "Editor" (using Tools / Preferences / Database / User Defined Extensions), restart SQL Developer and voilá: the trigger tab is back...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<item type="editor" node="ViewNode" vertical="true">
<![CDATA[select table_owner
, trigger_name
, trigger_type
, triggering_event
, status
from user_triggers
where table_name = :OBJECT_NAME
<subquery type="code">
<query> <sql><![CDATA[ select dbms_metadata.get_dll
from dual