At my current project we use Interactive Reports heavily. But in some cases the underlying queries are rather complex and a query without any filter or with just a filter on all columns doesn't perform that well (understatement...). We already implemented a solution to prevent initial loading of the data by adding an additional criterium to the query ( :P400_SEARCH = 'Y' ). The default value of this hidden item is 'N' and on Page Load the value is set to 'Y', so the next search will be executed. But as said, this is good, but not good enough... So this morning I was looking for a solution to "force" the user to enter a query on one of the columns - either through the "search bar column list" (the magnifier on the left side of the search field) or through the Actions > Filter menu. The first attempt was to use a Dynamic Action that fires on change of the search field, but that doesn't work when the user switches existing filter...