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Showing posts from November, 2010

APEX Meetup @ UKOUG 2010

As more or less a tradition, there will be an APEX Meetup during the upcoming UKOUG. Ben (a.k.a. Munky) was so good to organize this social gathering of APEX enthousiasts.  Venue: Pennyblack's at The Mailbox - Time: Monday 29th November arrive 8:00pm - 8:30pm He needs to give a rough confirmation of numbers by the start of next week. So if you are in the neighborhood and would like to attend (and who wouldn't), please leave a comment on this post!

UKOUG Conference right around the corner!

Booked my flight :  Made a reservation for my hotel :  Picked sessions for those three days :  See my (ambitious) schedule below...really looking forward to it!

Chatting with the database

At APEXPosed in Brussels I attended a presentation by Lucas Jellema  called " Reaching out from PL/SQL ". It was all about leveraging the central position of the Oracle database in the application architecture. Of course the examples were accompanied by some fine demo's. One of them was sending and receiving email by the database: You could ask the database a question, and the database answered that one. Another one was sending instant messages from the database when some data was changed. Interesting stuff! So I decided to combine those two: Why not chat with the database? Ask the database a question using an IM client and the database will (try to) answer to that question... I started off with downloading and installing the Oracle-XMPP code (XMPP stands for Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol ). Because I needed my own XMPP-server, I also downloaded and installed OpenFire . One of the options when installing OpenFire is to use an Oracle Database for storing th...

The trouble of getting APEX on MySQL to work...

In theory it should be so easy...running an APEX application on an Oracle instance with database links to MySQL for retrieving and modifying data. In theory that is, because in practice it is somewhat more cumbersome. I finally got there, but it took some steps  - and patience... I started off with the steps provided from a couple of websites. Like these from Birijan , from Pythian , from WebAJ and from Easysoft . TheyĀ“re all not the most recent ones, so I downloaded the latest versions of MySQL (5.1.51), MySQL Connector for ODBC (5.1.7) and unixODBC (2.3.0) and installed this stuff on top of the Oracle Developer Days Virtual Machine. Following the steps provided on the sites earlier mentioned I had a MySQL database with a demo table within minutes. So far so good! After changing the odbcinst.ini, odbc.ini, tlistener.ora, tnsnames.ora and the initmysql.ora (in $ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin) file I fired up SQL*Plus and created a databaselink using  create database link mysql ...

First European OPP / APEXposed

Last week the first European OPP / APEXposed ever was held in Brussels. And just like the US originals - which I actually never was able to attend - this also was a huge success, when you listen to all the positive feedback and comments issued in the hallways of the Brussel's Sheraton.  In two days there were 9 sessions to attend in 4 to 5 tracks. And even which such a relative small number of tracks it was hard to pick just many interesting presentations! APEXposed kicked off with a keynote by Patrick Wolf, in which he addressed all the nice new APEX 4.0 features at a glance. All of these features deserved a presentation on their own, and luckily most of them got one during the conference. Next I attended a session by Steven Feuerstein (he did 8 ! in these two days) about PL/SQL for APEX Developers. The key thing here was: develop your application as it was a regular PL/SQL based application, so use packages, test thoroughly, handle your errors well and code as less PL/S...