On apex.oracle.com I created an example of an updateable Interactive Report. It is not an in-line update functionality, but you can click on an image and so update the status of a record. It is not rocket science but a nice way to present such a functionality to your end users. But while creating the example I discovered that the example worked on a Page that requires Authentication, but didn't work on an Public Page... To call the On Demand Process I used the namespaced function apex.ajax.ondemand, instead of the more or less old-fashioned htmldb_Get. But unlike the htmldb_Get, apex.ajax.ondemand has no parameter for the page where the process should run (actually apex.ajax.ondemand passes '0' as the page parameter to htmldb_Get). So in order to get things working I needed to mark Page 0 as Public also... I guess it would be a nice enhancement if you could either pass a page parameter to apex.ajax.ondemand (default 0 is acceptable) or it should use the current page ($v(...