As other bloggers I also publish my OOW2006 schedule. It was hard to choose between 70 parallel sessions, but IMHO I succeeded in planning a nice schedule: I'll arrive on Friday, so on Saturday I have one day to recover from the jetlag and visit some interesting sites in San Francisco (also plan a schedule for this touristic part of my visit). Sunday ODTUG Oracle Developer Suite (Forms and Reports) Special Interest Group Meeting I am a user of some of the ODTUG mailing lists. I hope to meet a couple of the people I read posts from for a couple of years. IOUG Oracle Application Express (APEX) Special Interest Group Meeting There is - sadly - very little about APEX during OOW and I'll plan to visit most of the sessions with APEX in the title. Build a Dynamic Menu Framework with Oracle Application Express And this is also one of the APEX-sessions Monday Developing PL/SQL Programs, Using Automated Unit Testing by my English colleague Andrew Clarke - I'm looking forwar to meet h...