As you might have noticed APEX 2.2 is available for download. On the download site nowhere is stated that is doesn’t work for on XE, but installing on XE fails directly. How to solve this? This is due to the following lines in the upgrade procedure in the file apexins.sql: declare t_edition varchar2(30); edition_is_xe exception; begin --select edition into t_edition from v$instance; execute immediate 'select edition from v$instance' into t_edition; if nvl(t_edition,'x') = 'XE' then dbms_output.put_line('---------------------------------'); dbms_output.put_line('- Ap Ex cant be installed in Express Edition.-'); dbms_output.put_line('-------------------------------------'); raise edition_is_xe; end if; exception when edition_is_xe then raise; when others then null; -- no edition column, not xe end; / Once the lines are REM’med out the upgrade process runs fine. After finishing the other st...